Ahad, 29 Januari 2012


Traditionally, the higher the gains, the higher the risks. So let's take a look at the downside risks of these ten funds and of the KLCI.

Table 2: Downside Risks
2011 Downside Risk*
Kenanga Syariah Growth Fund
Prudential Equity Income Fund
Alliance Optimal Income Fund
Kenanga Growth Fund
FTSE Bursa Malaysia KLCI
RHB Malaysia DIVA Fund
OSK-UOB Malaysia Dividend Fund
Prudential Dana Al-Ilham
AmIslamic Growth
OSK-UOB Emerging Opportunity Unit Trust
Source: Bloomberg, iFAST
*Downside risk is the annualised standard deviation of daily losses

Lower Risk, Higher Returns Than The Market

Table 2 shows how risky the funds were with respect to making losses. Just to be clear, downside risk is not a measure of risk-adjusted returns. A low downside risk indicates that the losses (if any) tend to be very consistent, whereas high downside risk indicates that the losses (if any) could be anywhere in between mild and extreme.

The results show that six better-performing funds had more erratic downward movements than the market (as represented by the broad-based KLCI). Although a fund might have higher gains, investors would also need to be able to ride out periods of losses when markets turn bad.

That said, investors who are risk-averse could consider those funds which have lower downside risks than the broad-based KLCI, yet achieved higher returns than the index. The top four funds in Table 2 certainly fit the bill.

Fancy Small Caps?
The definition of a small cap company within the context of Malaysia is not defined accurately as different fund houses apply different criteria. In the simplest terms, a small cap company is one that is listed on the Main Board, and is not part of the top 100 companies based on market capitalisation. Of the ten funds that outperformed the KLCI, one of which invests in small cap companies - the OSK-UOB Emerging Opportunity Unit Trust.

OSK-UOB Investment Management Berhad defines a small cap as a company with a market cap of less than RM750 million. In 2011, sentiments were weak and riskier assets were under immense selling pressure, which resulted in the benchmark FTSE Bursa Malaysia Small Cap Index recording a total return of -4.0%. The OSK-UOB Emerging Opportunity Unit Trust had an average cash holdings of 11.0% in 2011 which probably helped cushion stock market losses and enhanced the performance of the fund. Not surprisingly, this fund also has the highest downside risk as seen in Table 2.

IN CLOSING...... ten funds on our platform managed to beat the KLCI in terms of total returns, and only four funds did so in a less risky manner. Our analysis is based on 2011 total returns, and investors with longer-term investment time horizon should look into the longer-term performance and downside risk of the funds before making an investment decision. It's hard to say that would happen in 2012, suffice to say that there remain dark spots in the US, Europe, Arab nations and China at the time of writing.


Key Points:
  • 10 funds beat the KLCI
  • Top performing fund was Kenanga Growth Fund
  • 4 funds had lower downside risk than the KLCI
  • 1 small cap fund achieved higher gains but came with higher risks
As a continuation of a similar article we wrote at the beginning of last year, we reviewed the performance of the Malaysia equity funds on our platform. There was a lot of uncertainty in 2011 and 2012 is expected to be a continuation of previous years; no different in terms of the amount of volatility besetting the financial markets globally.

Though the FBM KLCI only gained 4.5% in terms of total return in 2011 (a pale comparison to 23.8% a year earlier), it was among the best performing markets under our coverage. Within the Malaysia equity space, how many funds on our platform bested the KLCI's performance? See Table 1 below for our findings.


Table 1: Funds that have outperformed the KLCI
2011 Return
Kenanga Growth Fund
Kenanga Syariah Growth Fund
Prudential Equity Income Fund
Alliance Optimal Income Fund
Prudential Dana Al-Ilham
AmIslamic Growth
OSK-UOB Emerging Opportunity Unit Trust
RHB Malaysia DIVA Fund
OSK-UOB Malaysia Dividend Fund

FTSE Bursa Malaysia KLCI
Unit trust performance is based on NAV with dividends reinvested
*Based on total returns, i.e. inclusive of dividends reinvested
Source: Bloomberg and iFAST

Top Performing Fund

The top performing fund - Kenanga Growth Fund - has been a fund that everyone at Fundsupermart unanimously loves and is also one of the top-selling funds on our platform. The fund manager is particularly proud that they "try to minimise as far as practicable the volatility" of their funds, and that investors "will notice that our funds in general have lower volatility than their peer group."

This concurs with our findings when we analysed the fund's performance in a Chart Talk article, in which we concluded that the Kenanga Growth Fund is a relatively slow and steady performer as shown by the data.

The top performing funds mostly had significant exposure to sin product manufacturers (i.e. breweries and tobacco companies), oil palm plantations, telecommunication services companies, commercial banks and real estate investment trusts (REITs), all of which performed particularly well in 2011.

 Going forward, we expect Malaysia's economy to grow at 4.0 - 4.5% year-on-year in 2012, with the economy supported by domestic consumption and private and public investments under the Economic Transformation Programme (ETP).

Isnin, 23 Januari 2012

Islamic Funds For Muslims & Non-Muslims

Baru ini saya berjumpa dengan seorang prospek bukan Muslim, beliau berminat untuk melabur dalam Kenanga Investors Berhad. walaubagaimanapun beliau masih tercari Fund mana yang perlu dipilih untuk melabur! Lalu saya pun mencadangkan Kenanga Syariah Growth Fund. Persoalan yang timbul, Adakah Islamic Fund sesuai untuk bukan Islam?

Islamic Funds adalah untuk semua, sama ada untuk Muslim atau bukan muslim.Walaupun ianya mesti menepati syariah di bawah kawalan Syariah-Compliant  tetapi ianya tetap untuk semua. Akhir-akhir ini, masyarakat telah mengalih arah memandang Islamic Funds adalah pilihan terbai sekiranya ingin melabur.

Saudi Arabia adalah pelabur Kewanan Islam dunia paling terbesar dunia  anggaran USD 22.7 Billion dari 174 Fund. Manakala Malaysia merupakan kedua terbesar dalam pelaburan Kewangan Islam USD 5.1 Billion dan 184 Fund.

Dengan kehadiran Islamic Fund ini, pelaburan global bertambah lebih rancak dan menarik. Dengan itu para pelabur diharap tidak terlepas pandang paa Islamic Fund ini semasa membuat pelaburan kerana ianya akan memberi kesan yang besar  jangka masa panjang.

Islamic Fund terikat pada peraturan dan larangan semasa plaburan termasuk dilarang dari terlibat dalam perkara yang melibatkan Riba (interest), Gharar, berkongsi keuntungan dan kerugian melalui interest.

Syariah Compliant badan yang bertanggung jawab agar islamic fund di laburkan mengikut kriteria yang disyaratkan oleh pengawasan syariah melalui Penasihat Syariah. Dengan ini mereka perlu me,mbincagkan terlebih dahulu proses stock pelaburan yang diambil dari S & P (stock & poor) Syariah indeks, Dow Jones Islamic Market Indeks dan Securities Commision Malaysia.

Kesimpulannya, Islamic Fund yang dipantau oleh Securities Commission, adalah halal dan sesuai untuk Muslim dan bukan muslim. Setiap produk akan disahkan oleh Penasihat Syariah Company berkenaan. Dan yang paling menariknya kebanyakkan Islamic fund memberikan momentum yang besar dalam pelaburan dengan pulangan tinggi pada risiko yang rendah.

Semoga seamat memilih Islamic Fund yang lebih terjamin halal lagi bersih dan pulangan yang tinggi.

Tahniah ! Satu Pilihan Bijak Bagi Pelabur 2011

Awal tahun 2012,  Kenanga Syariah Growth Fund (KSGF) telah menunjukkan pelaburan yang amat memberangsangkan. diharapkan prestasi ini akan menjadi penanda aras bagi KSGF menempuh cabaran dalam tahun 2012.

Januari 2012 menunjukkan harga NAV KSGF RM 2.88/unit. menandakan satu peningkatan yang amat memberangsangkan. Oleh itu juga kepada semua pelabur KSGF anda patutnya mengucapkan tahniah kepada diri sendiri di atas satu tindakan yang bijak yang telah dilakukan.

Bayangkan sekiranya pada bulan September 2011 harga NAV per unit RM 2.65, tetapi and menangguhkan permulaan pelaburan , bermakna anda telah kerugian RM 0.20/unit.  Tapi sekiranya pelaburan itu dilaburkan RM 20,000.00 x 0.20, bermakna anda telah kerugian RM 4,000.00 sekiranya tidak melabur pada waktu itu.

Sebab itu, anda layak mengucapkan tahniah kepada diri anda atas kebijaksanaan dalam merancang kewangan masa hadapan. Semoga 2012 ini akan memberikan rangsangan yang lebih dalam pelaburan KSGF.

Harga Pasaran KSGF

Daily Prices History Kenanga Syariah Growth Fund

Sekiranya anda seorang pelabur@ masih tercari-cari tempat pelaburan yang sesuai, di sini saya coretkan untuk kajian tuan/puan performance harga bagi tempoh 3 bulan KSGF.

Kenanga Syariah Growth Fund   (Fund prices for the last 3 months) 
No.Bid/NAV Price Dealing Date

1.          2.878  January 19, 2012
2.         2.8781 January 18, 2012
3.         2.8744 January 17, 2012
4.         2.8673 January 16, 2012
5.         2.8806 January 13, 2012
6.         2.8823 January 12, 2012
7.         2.8806 January 11, 2012
8.         2.8812 January 10, 2012
9.         2.8793 January   9, 2012
10.       2.865   January   6, 2012
11.       2.8617 January   5, 2012
12.       2.8559 January   4, 2012
13.       2.8537 January   3, 2012
14.       2.8631 December 30, 2011
15.       2.8441 December 29, 2011
16.       2.8387 December 28, 2011
17.       2.8345 December 27, 2011
18.       2.8311 December 23, 2011
19.       2.8267 December 22, 2011
20.       2.8228 December 21, 2011
21.       2.8159 December 20, 2011
22.       2.8198 December 19, 2011
23.       2.8206 December 16, 2011
24.       2.8156 December 15, 2011
25.       2.8118 December 14, 2011
26.       2.8136 December 13, 2011
27.       2.8051 December 12, 2011
28.       2.7932 December   9, 2011
29.       2.7967 December   8, 2011
30.       2.8011 December   7, 2011
31.       2.7903 December   6, 2011
32.       2.7923 December   5, 2011
33.       2.7871 December   2, 2011
34.       2.7847 December   1, 2011
35.       2.7806 November 30, 2011
36.       2.7562 November 29, 2011
37.       2.7454 November 25, 2011
38.       2.7563 November 24, 2011
39.       2.7481 November 23, 2011
40.       2.7523 November 22, 2011
41.       2.7502 November 21, 2011
42.       2.7546  Novembe 18, 2011
43.       2.7558 November 17, 2011
44.       2.7512 November 16, 2011
45.       2.7445 November 15, 2011
46.       2.7402 November 14, 2011
47.       2.7145 November 11, 2011
48.       2.7019 November 10, 2011
49.       2.7105 November   9, 2011
50.       2.7024 November   8, 2011
51.       2.6985 November   4, 2011
52.       2.6841 November   3, 2011
53.       2.6961 November   2, 2011
54.       2.705   November   1, 2011
55.       2.7137 October     31, 2011
56.       2.7109 October     28, 2011
57.       2.698   October     27, 2011