Selasa, 14 Februari 2012

Kenanga Syariah Growth Fund Terus Mengekalkan Rekod Kecemerlangan Pulangan Tertinggi Bagi Tahun 2011

Kenanga Syariah Growth Fund (KSGF) mengkalkan kecemerlangan pulangan keuntungan tertinggi pada risiko yang rendah bagi tahun 2011. Pada akhir tahun 2011 KSGF memberikan 16.9% keuntungan tahunan sehingga diberi anugerah dana Unit Trust terbaik 2011. KSGF adalah dana Kenanga Syariah Growth Fund telah berada dipasaran semenjak 10 tahun yang lalu diuruskan oleh Kenanga Investors Berhad.

KSGF terus jauh meninggalkan fund yang lain pada 6% menyebabkan KSGF pada hari ini semakin dicari oleh pelabur samaada muslim atau non-muslim. Oleh sebab itu NAV KSGF pada hari ini tinggi RM 2.9589/unit. KSGF juga jauh kehadapan mencatat keuntungan pulangan berbanding FTSE Bursa Malaysia KLCI yang mencatat hanya 4.5%. Perbezaan ini amat ketara jauh iaitu 12.4%.

Table 1: Funds that have outperformed the KLCI

FTSE Bursa Malaysia KLCI 4.5%*

Walaupun KSGF memberi pulangan yang tinggi, tetapi kekuatannya mencatatkan risiko yang rendah juga faktor besar pelabur terus berminat untuk melabur dalam Fund KSGF. Pada kebiasaannya dalam pelaburan, piulangan tinggi risiko juga tinggi (high return, high risk), tetapi berbeza pada KSGF kerana ianya cukup cantik & hebat kerana pulangan tinggi tetapi risiko rendah (high return, low risk).

KSGF mencatatkan risiko yang begitu rendah iaitu 7.4% berbanding FTSE Bursa Malaysia KLCI

yang mencatatkan risiko 9.8%. Ini menandakan KSGF adalah Fund yang terbaik kerana setiap pelabur akan memilih untuk melabur dalam Fund yang paling rendah risiko kerugian.

Table 2: Downside Risks

FTSE Bursa Malaysia KLCI 9.8%

Source: Bloomberg, iFAST*Downside risk is the annualised standard deviation of daily losses

Oleh itu sebagai pelabur anda adalah berhak untuk memilih fund mana yang ingin dilaburkan. Manakala saya sebagai Perunding Kewangan Islam hanya boleh memberi gambaran tentang sesuatu pelaburan, dan mencadangkan fund yang terbaik, tetapi kuasa untuk memilih adalah di tangan anda.

Semoga anda akan menjadi pelabur yang bijak dalam menentukan masa depan kewangan anda.

Ahad, 5 Februari 2012

Recommended Funds 2011/2012


We strive to analyze funds with as long a comparable history as possible and only within their peer group. For a look at our methodology, please go to here. Please note that while we hope that these recommendations would be useful for investors, you are also advised to look at the fund's prospectus and do your own further research before making your investment decisions.

We advise investors to have a diversified portfolio that is spread over the whole world. The recommended funds should not be seen as being recommended in isolation. These funds are what we would recommend amongst their peer groups if you would like to invest in a fund from a particular sector or region. So, if you are interested in funds from one region like Japan, then you can see the recommended funds we have within the Japan region. There is little basis of comparing a Japan fund with a Europe fund.

For investors who are also interested in an allocation to the various sectors, we suggest that you refer to our Sector Star Ratings page which shows our views towards the various regions. For aggressive investors who wish to take more risk for the purpose of potentially higher returns, you can take note of the articles we sometimes put out highlighting Fundsupermart's view of a particular region.

For a more detailed description of why we recommend any particular fund, please click on the recommended fund's name below:

Funds Recommended Fundsupermart Risk Rating Invested over the length of time Buy?
    3 mth (%) 1 yr (%) 2 yr (%) 3 yr (%) 5 yr (%) YTD (%)  
Asia Ex-Japan Equity Islamic
Prudential Asia Pacific Shariah Equity Fund 8-High Risk  1.25 -5.55 -1.68 52.17 - 1.57
Asia Ex-Japan Balanced
OSK-UOB Asia Active Allocation Fund 6-Moderately High Risk  3.9 -7.99 -0.88 39.39 - 3.9
Global Balanced
RHB Global Multi Manager Fund 6-Moderately High Risk  1.94 -0.78 5.97 32.25 - 1.76
Malaysia Balanced
OSK-UOB KidSave Trust 5-Moderate Risk  4.4 5.33 20.15 53.15 65.91 1.4
RHB GoldenLife 2020 5-Moderate Risk  5.51 0.69 20.51 62.64 85.97 0.4
Malaysia Balanced Small To Medium Companies
OSK-UOB Growth And Income Focus Trust 6-Moderately High Risk  5.81 -1.02 13.69 30.87 54.62 2.76
Asia Ex-Japan Equity
Prudential Asia Pacific Equity Fund 8-High Risk  2.03 -9.44 -0.39 56.38 -0.57 5.81
Global Equity
Alliance Global Equities Fund 7-Moderately Higher Risk  1.13 -7.76 -0.21 44.57 -7.13 2.65
RHB Global Fortune Fund 7-Moderately Higher Risk  1.62 -2.3 -2.54 22.21 -22.83 0.28
Global Emerging Markets Equity
AmGlobal Emerging Markets Opportunities 9-Higher Risk  -0.38 -17.33 -14.45 45.17 - 3.64
Malaysia Equity
Areca Equity Trust Fund 8-High Risk  4.89 -3.27 23.43 77.37 - -0.12
Kenanga Growth Fund 8-High Risk  9.49 20.06 57.02 113.66 107.69 1.08
Malaysia Equity Small to Medium Companies
OSK-UOB Emerging Opportunity Unit Trust 9-Higher Risk  10.03 4.35 26.65 58.73 72.23 2.6
Asia Bond
Alliance Asian Bond Fund 4-Moderately Low Risk  -1.05 3.6 0.46 3.36 12.45 -0.44
Malaysia Bond
AmBond 1-Lower Risk  1.46 6.27 12.97 19.31 31.61 0.6
AmDynamic Bond 1-Lower Risk  3.07 11.02 21.33 32.51 50.43 1.22
Global Equity Islamic
AmOasis Global Islamic Equity 7-Moderately Higher Risk  -1.29 -8.18 -12.08 15.7 -25.96 -0.64
Global Balanced Islamic
OSK-UOB Muhibbah Income Fund 6-Moderately High Risk  0.59 -2.49 1.63 11.46 - 1.41
Malaysia Balanced Islamic
Prudential Dana Dinamik 5-Moderate Risk  6.61 10.27 25.72 54.73 49.39 0.81
Malaysia Equity Islamic
Kenanga Syariah Growth Fund 8-High Risk  8.43 17.41 50.5 100.36 96.91 1.11
Prudential Dana Al-Ilham 8-High Risk  9.35 9.75 32.69 89.08 65.44 1.33

The figures in the above table were last updated on January 30, 2012

Please note
  1. Investment involves risk. The price of securities may go down as well as up, and under certain circumstances an investor may sustain a total or substantial loss of investment. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of the future or likely performance of the fund. Investors should read the relevant fund's prospectus for details before making any investment decision. An Investor should make an appraisal of the risks involved in investing in these products and should consult their own independent and professional advisors, to ensure that any decision made is suitable with regards to their circumstances and financial position.
  2. Performance figures are cumulative returns and calculated using NAV-to-NAV prices, in RM, with any income or dividends reinvested. Sales charge is not included.
  3. All performance data are compiled by, based on the prices from the fund houses.
  4. The performance figures in the table above are calculated using bid-to-bid prices, with any income or dividends reinvested. Performance figures are cumulative.

Malaysia Equity Islamic
Kenanga Syariah Growth Fund (Fundsupermart Risk Rating: 8-High Risk)  The Kenanga Syariah Growth Fund ranked second among Malaysia Equity funds for the past four-year and one-year periods ended March 2011. It was also the third best performing Malaysia Equity fund in 2010.

The fund has the highest resilience during market corrections and downturns as it ranked first under our risk criterion, out of the 32 Malaysia Equity funds. However, the fund’s expense ratio was higher than the average of funds in the Malaysia Equity category. We like this fund for its relatively strong performance and high resilience.

The fund invested 31.0% of its assets in the trading/services sector and 15.6% in the consumer products sector (as at 31 March 2011). Private consumption is expected to continue to be the key driver of Malaysian economic growth, while the Economic Transformation Programme (ETP) will be the main driver of the equity market. Corporate earnings from the key sectors that propel the equity market such as construction, oil and gas, plantation and banking are expected to grow as the ETP unfolds.

Investors should note that single country equity funds tend to be more volatile than regional or global equity funds due to the lack of geographical diversification. However, as the fund’s exposure is mainly to the RM, Malaysian investors will not experience currency risk when investing in the fund. 

Malaysia Equity

Kenanga Growth Fund (Fundsupermart Risk Rating: 8-High Risk)

The Kenanga Growth Fund ranked top among Malaysia Equity funds for the past four-year and one-year periods ended March 2011. It was also the best performing Malaysia Equity fund in 2010. The fund has high resilience during market corrections and downturns and ranked sixth under our risk criterion, out of the 32 Malaysia Equity funds. The fund’s expense ratio was slightly lower than the average of Malaysia Equity funds. We like this fund for its relatively strong performance, high resilience and moderate expense ratio.

The fund invested 31.4% of its assets in the trading/services sector and 16.5% in the finance sector (as at 31 March 2011). Private consumption is expected to continue to be the key driver of Malaysian economic growth, while the Economic Transformation Programme (ETP) will be the main driver of the equity market. Corporate earnings from the key sectors that propel the equity market such as construction, oil and gas, plantation and banking are expected to grow as the ETP unfolds. Investors should note that single country equity funds tend to be more volatile than regional or global equity funds due to the lack of geographical diversification. However, as the fund’s exposure is mainly to the RM, Malaysian investors will not experience currency risk when investing in the fund.